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Dental Treatments

Dental Treatments

What is Dentistry ?

Dentistry is a branch of medicine concerned with the health of the teeth, gums and oral tissues. The field plays an important role in overall health. Dentists prevent and treat diseases and conditions of the teeth, gums and oral-facial areas. They also help to detect oral cancer and other systemic diseases. Some advances in dentistry include genetic engineering, salivary diagnostics, and continued development of new materials and techniques. Dental care is an important aspect of your overall health, and dentists specialize in diagnosing and treating oral health problems. A general dentist is an individual who will treat your teeth, gums, and other parts of your mouth. Regular visits to the dentist will prevent diseases and strengthen your teeth. Visiting a dentist every six months will keep your mouth healthy and help you feel better about yourself. It will also prevent serious problems that can affect your overall health. General dentistry involves general dental services, like cleanings. A general dentist should be visited at least twice a year to maintain your oral health. They will use special tools to remove plaque and check your teeth, gums, cheeks, and tongue. They will also check your jawbone for damage. Catching oral health issues early is the best way to avoid more serious problems later. If you suffer from a specific problem, a dentist can treat it.

What exactly are tooth implants?

Dental implants are the advanced standard treatment for anyone who wants to replace a missing tooth, or is fed up with loose dentures, or who suffers from loose failing teeth. Dental implants may rebuild your confidence with a new functional set of solid teeth. A dental implant is a small metal cone of 3-5 mm in diameter and 7-21 mm long, which functions as a tooth root. It is installed into your jawbone and becomes a part of your jaw holding an imitation of a tooth. The metal screw is made of a biocompatible material, which is neutral to health and does not (or hardly ever) cause allergic reactions. The most common material used in dentistry is titanium, although there are also implants made of zirconium oxide. Both of the materials are extremely durable and can withstand the stresses that the tooth roots are subjected to in normal conditions. Once the artificial tooth root is placed in your gums, a superstructure is mounted – a prosthetic structure (prosthetic crown, prosthetic bridge or removable denture), which perfectly reproduces the tooth crown. An implant with a crown looks exactly like a natural tooth – the titanium part is completely hidden under the gum, while the ceramic part or teeth in the denture are selected thoroughly so that their colour, transparency and gloss fully match the features of natural teeth.

When are Dental Implants recommended?

There are several conditions for which implant placement might be suggested by the dentist. The most common are: single tooth missing (single implant held by one screw installed in order to substitute for one lost or cracked tooth); multiple teeth missing (missing several teeth located next to each other or in different places of the mouth, bridge implants that usually hold 3 crowns with two screws on each side of the bridge) complete absence of teeth (a whole arch of artificial new teeth fixed by 4, 5 or 6 implants that substitute for the entire jaw) In all the above cases, dental implants replace the missing teeth, and thus form the basis for the attachment of crowns, prosthetic bridges or dentures.

What is a general Dental Implant procedure?

The whole process usually takes the following steps: Examination, X-rays (you will not be allowed to undergo any dental surgery without CT scans and /or panoramic X-ray pictures of your mouth) Impressions taken Tooth removal Bone graft procedure or sinus lift – if necessary Placing of a dental implant and a healing ring Fitting the crown Gum and jawbone healing process (usually a few months) In a nutshell it looks like that: The first step towards your perfect smile is, of course, a visit to the dentist. The specialist will assess the condition of your teeth and make a decision regarding further treatment and the possibility of implantation. During the visit, an impression is taken, which is used to prepare a temporary reconstruction of an appropriate size and shape. It will be mounted in the oral cavity while the implant heals. The procedure of inserting a tooth implant is performed under local anaesthesia , which makes it painless. A small hole is drilled into the bone and the implant is then inserted into it. Over the next three to six months, the implant fuses with the bone (during this time, a temporary restoration of the tooth / teeth is placed). The final stage of the treatment is attaching a prosthetic crown to the implant. For more information, please fill out the form on the contact page or email us directly at info@curemedtour.com

What types of Dental Implants are there?

There are many types of dental implants which differ in quality, methods of implantation and cost of production. When it comes to bone structure and possible bone grafting involved due to lack of sufficient jaw bone, one can distinguish between two specific types of dental implants: Endosteal dental implant – the most common type of dental implants in use currently, employed in most cases where sufficient bone structure is healthy and only if the patient does not suffer from periodontal disease. It is fixed into the jawbone in the place of an extracted tooth root and mounted with a metal abutment. Subperiosteal dental implant – differs when it comes to the plant type: it takes the form of a custom-made metal framework that needs to fit exactly to the patient’s jawbone and is installed onto the jawbone itself, not into it. This type of implants is less frequent as it requires more work and gum healing time than the classic endosteal implants.

What material is used in Dental Implants?


The most popular implants today are titanium implants. They were used for the first time in 1965 in Sweden, by the Swedish doctor, a father of modern dental implantology, professor Per-Ingvar Branemark. They are extremely durable and can be used by most patients without side effects. Titanium is well tolerated by the human body, therefore titanium implants quickly integrate with the surrounding bones, which makes them an ideal stable support for a crown, bridge or prosthesis. Their disadvantage is the silver-gray colour.


An alternative to titanium are zirconium implants, also known as ceramic implants. Their texture and colour are deceptively similar to the natural tooth tissue, and they show high biological compatibility with it, as well as high resistance to external factors. They hardly ever cause allergies or allergic reactions. Another advantage is that they do not react to temperature changes in the oral cavity and are resistant to acid substances. They do not change the taste of consumed foods, do not interact with other materials used in dentistry and are completely safe.

Why Dental Treatment in India ?

Whether you are looking for cosmetic dentistry, or a comprehensive checkup, dental treatment in India is a great option. While the cost of dental treatments is lower than in the US, quality is still excellent. For example, a common tooth extraction can cost up to 90% less than in the US. If you are considering a complex procedure, you should consider dental insurance. Medical tourism corporations have many years of experience finding reputable clinics abroad. Compared to dental treatments in the United States, dental treatment in India is inexpensive and highly effective. The quality of treatment is also higher than in other countries. All dental clinics in India use state-of-the-art technology and trained doctors. You can expect a top-notch service at a fraction of the cost of dental treatment in the west. In addition, dental care in India is much more affordable than in most western countries. In India, dental care is available to almost everyone. Patients can choose between general and specialized procedures, depending on the condition of their teeth. While a variety of dental treatment options are available, Indian dentists are known for their skill and attention to detail. A dentist in India is highly experienced and can provide the best care for you. They also know how to give you the smile you’ve always dreamed of.

Frequently Asked Questions

Placing an implant, regardless of the technology and material chosen, is completely painless. The entire procedure is performed under local anaesthesia, so the patient does not feel pain. Occasionally, the dentist may choose anaesthesia as the best option. This is the case with a patient who is terrified of the dentist. However, inserting implants is a surgical procedure that should only be performed in professional and sterile conditions in a dentist’s office. After the visit, the patient should take special care of the oral cavity hygiene and regularly turn up for check-up visits.
Installing a few implants will not immediately solve common dental problems you may have with your other teeth in the future, therefore proper hygiene is crucial. With some patients, undergoing complicated treatments before they can have implants installed might be necessary. For example, those with an uneven bite will have to straighten their teeth with metal braces. Also, patients with gum disease (e.g. mild gingivitis) will be asked to fix gum tissue with proper oral hygiene, soft toothbrushes, mouth rinsing, flossing and regular checkups at the dentist.
Before planning any dental work in your jaw one should ask oneself: Why should I have dental implants? It is also important to know what are the pros and cons of this type of medical intervention. The most obvious and undeniable advantages of dental implants are: Natural look Durability and strength, they can serve a lifetime Restoring the ability to chew all foods without problems Improving speech ability Building up or restoring your self-confidence Prevention of bone changes to face, cheek and jaw Safety and reliability on the implants market
As in every medical treatment or surgery, there are a few possible drawbacks that should be taken into account and about which patients are always thoroughly informed : The process of installing is long and requires the patient’s patience. There is a possibility of complications, e.g. infection, and hence possibly more dental work to do in your jaw Extractions are sometimes performed on healthy teeth unnecessarily There is a possibility of allergies The dental surgery itself may involve the following risks: bone loss or fracture, perforation sinus problems nerve damage implant failure, lack of stability or rejection of the implant (very rare)
The best candidate for dental implants is an adult with a fully grown jawbone, of good health condition, especially when it comes to the dental, root canal, gum tissue and (sufficient) bone structure.
Smoking cigarettes has an extensive and negative impact on the condition of the whole body. The patient should be aware that smoking cigarettes results in worse tissue recovery and weakening of the immune system, which in turn, increases the susceptibility of our body to all kinds of infections. Therefore, it is recommended that people who have had or are to have dental implants should quit smoking.